ICTforAg 2023
7-9 November
ICTforAg 2023 was an online global event that brought together over 1,700 agricultural stakeholders and technology experts to share knowledge, find solutions, and form partnerships to address challenges in agrifood systems across low and middle-income countries.
Hosted by USAID as part of Feed the Future, CGIAR and DAI, the conference featured 145 speakers across 40 sessions.
Keynote speakers

Adegbola Adesogan
Associate VP and Director.,
Global Food Systems Institute, IFAS, University of Florida

Jayesh Ranjan
Principal Secretary.,
ITE&C Department, Government of Telangana

Jim Taylor
Research Associate.,
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Justin Ahmed
Beanstalk Agritech

Katerina Kotenko
Beanstalk AgTech

Kentaro Toyama
W. K. Kellogg Professor of Community Information.,
University of Michigan School of Information

Priyanka Singh
Chief, Rural Transformation.,
Reliance Foundation

Sonja Betschart
Co-founder & co-pilot.,