ICTforAg 2022
ICTforAg 2022 was held virtually globally from 9-10 March 2022.
The event was sponsored by Feed the Future and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and implemented by DAI and Intellecap.
This social session at ICTforAg 2022 co-created by Michigan State University argued that the field can benefit from broadening its focus to include non-digital products, such as agricultural tools in particular, the “jembe” (Swahili for hoe).
This session at ICTforAg 2022 co-created by Producers Direct brought together leaders in agriculture, scientific research and technology to discuss how recent advances in big data and applications of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence can be made applicable to the smallholder experience.
This social session at ICTforAg 2022 co-created by AGRA presented the impact of the Village-based Advisor model for uptake of new agri technologies in Africa.
This session at ICTforAg 2022, co-created by ITU and FAO, discussed the findings of a report on the need to enhance key digital infrastructure, and initiatives existing in sub-Saharan Africa that can be promoted, replicated and scaled up to advance digital agriculture transformation.
This session at ICTforAg 2022 co-created by Agrilinks with USAID dove into how online platforms can help local leaders and US government decision-makers push agriculture forward.
This session at ICTforAg 2022 co-created by USAID explored how to avoid the traps that ultimately lead to unsustainable solutions and presented participants with ideas on how they can structure their engagement with digital agriculture providers with an eye towards business models that are both viable and inclusive.
This session at ICTforAg 2022 co-created by World Bank explored how we can work with global public and private partners to develop frameworks for cooperation, to leverage global knowledge and capacity to help countries leapfrog their way through the digital transformation of their agri-food systems.
Privileged to host Max Cuvellier, Head of Mobile for Development (M4D), GSMA as the Keynote Speaker at ICTforAg share his insights and expertise on how we can leverage digital technology to improve smallholder agriculture outcomes in LMICs.
This session at ICTforAg 2022 co-created by GIZ dove into how different types of interventions – indirect, intermediary, and direct – can be undertaken to strengthen farmer control over data, and allow them to generate income or indirect benefits.