Jim Taylor

Research Associate

University of KwaZulu-Natal


Jim Taylor worked for WESSA (The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa) for 35 years. For 20 of these he served as Director of Environmental Education. He is currently a Research Associate at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and founder member of the global ESD Expert-Net programme. Key interest areas include Citizen Science, Water Management and Digital Transitions, Indigenous Knowledge Practices, Just Transitions and Social Change and Sustainability.


Cultivating inclusion through citizen science in water management. Biomonitoring and digital innovations – case stories from southern Africa

ICTforAg 2023 2023-11-07T09:30:27-06:00

Water management is crucial for longer term sustainability in many parts of the world. All too often it is the domain of the scientists making water monitoring expensive and inaccessible. In southern Africa biomonitoring techniques are proving inclusive to all especially when linked to digital innovations. Selected case stories will be shared to illustrate inclusivity and public participation in water management.