A day in the Life of Junior Data Scientists
Three junior data scientists from Tanzania, India, and U.S. will present their agricultural data science work, highlighting their innovative approaches (data they analyze, tools they use, and analysis objectives), inspirational stories (challenges they face, how they overcome them, and what motivates them), and inclusion aspects (how they ensure their data science work contribute to the […]
MinAh Kim

Shalini Gakhar

‘Longa, let’s talk’: reflections on the co-design of an automated speech recognition tool for low-resource and Bantu languages
This talk reports on the progress of the development and testing of an automated speech recognition tool. The project is in collaboration with Farm Radio International, an NGO broadcasting valuable knowledge to farmers across Africa., via local radio networks. Farmers are able to call in and leave comments or ask questions, however, without the capacity […]
Nelson Mganga


30 November 2023, Kathmandu, Nepal
India – Hyderabad

T-Hub, Hyderabad. 19 December 2023.

7-9 November 2023. CIMMYT HQ, Mexico
Local first: a different way of localizing technologies on a grassroots level
At WeRobotics and the Flying Labs Network, we believe in the power of local expertise to sustainably and responsibly localize technology and create actionable impact for climate action, development and aid solutions, first and foremost on a grassroots level. Technologies are just a tool. Lasting and meaningful impact is created when local experts implement and […]
Learning from an ex-post study RE: investments in agricultural digitization in Senegal
This session will share a summary of key findings from an ex-post study conducted 3.5 years following the closure of the USAID-funded Naatal Mbay Activity and published in July 2023. While the study looked at the extent to which four systemic changes supported by the Activity endured and their relative scale and sustainability relative to […]